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Monday, 20 February 2012

Artefact one and two feedback

I presented my two artefacts in my last tutorial and my tutor said that I could improve them both. For the first one he said I should put the animation I made against another to compare how to correctly show an expression. He said that people do not move their heads in the way that I made my man move. So I think I will use it as a bad example of how to do it and then put a good example next to it so people can understand what my artefact is about.

For my second artefact my tutor said I need to focus on expressions, but do not go in to the way people smile, and what is a 'true' smile as this can get really complicated and quite scientific so I should just stick to how to get a believable emotion. I think I might try a different emotion to smiling because it was hard to not make the character look like he is grimacing.

I think that having this feedback has shown me I need to use reference material when making future artefacts so that the character is believable and has 'life' because the first artefact I made had neither of these because his expressions and movement weren't right.

So I am going to correct my artefacts and then post the finished ones on here. Part of my research is active research which means I create something, look at what is wrong with it, and correct what is wrong so this feedback has been good. Also another way I am researching is by asking a professional what their opinion is and technically my tutor is a professional so this has also helped in that respect.

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