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Monday, 13 February 2012

Artefact two research

After my first artefact I have realised that to properly show expression and emotions I need to use reference material so that what I create is more realistic. For the previous artefact I animated the face into expressions which I think portray an emotion when really there is a lot more to each emotion.

When looking for reference material I came across this website which is basically a tutorial on how to draw facial expressions and emotions.

For example when you smile, there is more to just making your mouth wider. When you are truly smiling and not pretending to smile there are many parts of your face that change, not just your mouth, like your eyes for example.

I have also found an article of 3D World Magazine (edition 150) where it gives you five tips for believable faces.

So I think my second artefact will look at animating an expression using various parts of the face, not just one for example the mouth. Doing this makes the emotion believable so then the audience can relate to the character

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